Ep 91 – Multiple Personalities: It’s a Test


This week, Brandon and Travis take the Myers-Briggs Testing Indicator to determine what their unique personalities are. Then they go on to discuss an article by Annie Murphy Paul about whether these tests are anything better than glorified astrology!

To take the test that we took during the show, you can find it here!

Show Notes

  1. Based on Article: Personality Tests are Popular, But Do They Capture The Real You? by Annie Murphy Paul
    1. http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/06/25/483108905/personality-tests-are-popular-but-do-they-capture-the-real-you
  2. Personality Tests
    1. The author wrote a book, The Cult of Personality Testing, which railed against the accuracy of personality tests used in decisions
      1. workplace
        1. hiring
        2. promotion
      2. school
    2. Likens personality tests to horoscopes and dream analysis
    3. The author’s lessons
      1. learned to accept people who use the MBTI for illumination of themselves
      2. still doesn’t approve of using it in decision making
    4. Conclusion
      1. Personality tests are far too simplistic to accurately gauge personalities
        1. uses examples of different tests and the people who created them
          1. Rorschach
          2. Starke Hathaway (religious beliefs, sex lives, etc)
          3. Myers-Briggs 


We want to hear what your thoughts are on the personality tests. Were the results eerily accurate? Does it actually tell you something about yourself that you didn’t already know? Shoot us a tweet, Facebook message, email or comment below!