A couple siblings dig up a galaxy destroying evil… luckily, Psycho Goreman is under their control.
Psycho Goreman!

Movie Details:
- Release Date: 2020
- “Run”time: 1 hour 35 minutes
- Where to watch it: Streaming
- Directed by: Steven Kostanski
- Written by: Steven Kostanski
- Starring:
- Nita-Josée Hanna
- Owen Myre
- Matthew Ninaber
Synopsis: A couple siblings dig up a galaxy destroying evil… luckily, he’s under their control.
Open Stab Wounds (out of 10): 7
Review: Troma films have always been allowed to live in my head rent free. They’re campy, loaded with various fluids, have a mixture of ridiculous and awesome creature effects, and they are just loads of fun. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Lloyd Kaufman a couple times and he is an absolute blast. He exudes pure joy for having been able to bring these raunchy, absurd, and disgusting ideas to life on some of the lowest movie budgets ever.
For almost 50 years now, Troma has been building a cult following and spreading its influence. You can see it in some of the over the top films that have come out of Japan, such as The Machine Girl and Tokyo Gore Police. Peter Jackson’s (yeah, the Lord of the Rings guy) early work definitely felt influenced by it. Today’s film definitely feels like it was created by a Troma fan. Let’s talk about Psycho Goreman.
The film opens on siblings Mimi (Nita-Josée Hanna) and Luke (Owen Myre), a couple of rambunctious kids in the middle of a game of “Crazy Ball.” Luke loses and because of this he has to dig for treasure in their backyard. Surprisingly they find an alien looking coffin of some sort, which has a glowing gem embedded in it. Pulling the gem awakened the being within, but luckily for the kids, the gem gives them power over it.
I’m going to stop with my plot synopsis there. I feel this is the type of film best gone into with as little knowledge as possible. Not because it will ruin a twist or give insight to subtle mysteries, but because I think the absurdity is best experienced without any prior info. If you’re a Troma fan, just go watch it and enjoy!
There is loads of gore, the type of humor that is best experienced with friends, and a complete lack of lessons learned. The costumes are fantastic and the practical effects will make you giggle plenty. The story is as simple as a Power Rangers episode and a few times I felt like I was watching an extended adult version of one. It was simply silly and fun.
This is definitely the type of movie that is not for everybody. So is it for you? If you’re a fan of campy classics like The Toxic Avenger, Dead Alive, or Frankenhooker, then this is one you will probably enjoy. If you only like serious films then you probably don’t even want to watch the trailer for this.
I loved it! It’s good to see that the absurd torch will be carried on.
Hunky Boys only!
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