This isn’t Angelina Jolie but George C. Scott does his best impression of the Changeling for this day’s film!
The Changeling

Movie Details:
- Release Date: 1980
- “Run”time: 1 hour and 47 minutes
- Where to watch it: Streaming
- Directed by: Peter Medak
- Written by: Russell Hunter
- Starring:
- George C. Scott
Synopsis: After the death of his wife and daughter in a car crash, a music professor staying at a long-vacant Seattle mansion is dragged into a decades-old mystery by an inexplicable presence in the mansion’s attic.
Open Stab Wounds (out of 10): 7
Classic cinema just had a different feel to it. Sure, there is the fact that society and norms change over the years, but I think there is more. Characters just seem to accept things and role with them. Exposition was done in such a matter of fact way and sometimes the ideas and scenes just seem a bit far fetched. Tonight’s movie had a little bit of that, but was it any good? Let’s get into The Changeling.
The story focuses on John Russell (George C. Scott), a composer who recently moved to Seattle after the loss of his wife and daughter. He rents a local mansion and quickly starts to hear bumps in the night. Realizing the presence there is trying to communicate, John starts to investigate the history of the home. This mystery leads to revelations, retribution, and ultimately culminates in a restless spirit finally finding peace.
John was obviously not a skeptic. Once happenings started in the home he almost immediately jumped to “something is trying to communicate with me and I need to solve this mystery.” I found that a bit silly, but it did drive the narrative. Once the investigation started to get pieces, it definitely felt more like a who-done-it mystery with a ghost, more than a haunting type film. I don’t think this really hurt the film, but it subverted my expectations of what I was going to be watching.
One of my favorite things was the music. Deep piano and orchestral pieces added wonderfully to moments of sadness, fright, and emotion. Classic films like this definitely relied heavily on music and they did it well. There are some movies these days that have great scores, but it just does not feel the same as some classic films like this.
Some of the acting felt a little over the top and some was really lackluster. There was one line that I found absolutely hilarious around 14 minutes in, a woman speaking about the home says “it’s so… large.” The delivery was so flat and it felt like a complete throwaway scene with no real purpose. George C. Scott’s performance was not bad, but nothing I would call magnificent… it wasn’t Patton.
I enjoyed the movie for what it was, but I don’t think I like it as much as Brandon. I definitely don’t feel it is one that stands the test of time. Nothing really stood out to me and it felt like there was far too much that you just had to accept and roll with. It’s not a film that I would tell people to stay away from, but it’s also not one I’d say you need to see. Go watch it if you need a dose of some classic cinema.
BRANDON’S THOUGHTS: I like this movie. It makes me sleepy. I always put it on because I like it and I like being awake for it and I don’t want a sleeping pill. It’s a great movie. 9/10
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